What Should You Know Before Growing Plants Indoors?

What Should You Know Before Growing Plants Indoors?

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1. Plant Choices

Many different veggies, herbs, and fruits can be grown indoors, including during the winter. But you do have to choose the right plants and provide the right conditions. You can buy seeds suitable for home planting from the market, or you can choose from the vegetables you buy at home, such as planting pepper seeds from peppers.

2. Indoor Food Growing Supplies

  • Light – low-medium to high depending on what you’re growing
  • Growing medium – organic potting mix for veggies
  • Containers with drainage holes and saucers or drip trays
  • Humidity – 40 to 50% range is fine for most indoor crops
  • Water – use distilled water if yours is hard or heavy in salts
  • Air circulation – use an electric fan to help prevent mold and fungus, assist pollination
  • Temperature – 60°F/15°C or 70°F/20°C range depending on plants – consistent, not drafty
  • Fertilizer – your soil will need feeding as the plants grow